Monday, August 18, 2008

Front page of Fortress Focus

I love watching the Olympics, being a sports nut it is just my cup of tea.
It is not only watching the sports, but watching the Aussies compete in those sports, even sports that I would not watch anytime in the previous 3 years. The other night I found myself watching the end of the equestrian 3 day event, where the Aussies had a chance to win Gold.

There I was watching the Aussies, and I felt like I was jumping each fence with them as they went around the circuit, then hoping that the German riders would knock down a few fences so that the Aussies would win.

You know it is easy to watch from the sidelines, it is easy to be an arm chair expert; it is very different being an Olympic athlete.

Jesus calls us to be a part of the action, to make a difference in the world around us, to be the salt and light in the world.

Our Corps vision is to see lives transformed, that’s something I don’t want to just watch, I want to be involved.

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